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3. Dojo Datagrid Row event

토폴로지 2013. 8. 8. 07:52

Dojo Datagrid Row event Code

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html >



#gridDiv {

    height: 20em;

    width : 50em;



       <link rel="stylesheet" href="dojo-release-1.9.1/dijit/themes/claro/claro.css">

       <link rel="stylesheet" href="dojo-release-1.9.1/dojox/grid/resources/claroGrid.css">

       <script src='dojo-release-1.9.1/dojo/dojo.js'></script>


  require([ 'dojox/grid/DataGrid', 'dojo/data/ItemFileWriteStore', 'dojo/domReady!'],

    function( DataGrid, ItemFileWriteStore){

    var data = {

      items: []


    var data_list = [

      { col1: "normal", col2: false, col3: 'But are not followed by two hexadecimal', col4: 29.91},

      { col1: "important", col2: false, col3: 'Because a % sign always indicates', col4: 9.33},

      { col1: "important", col2: false, col3: 'Signs can be selectively', col4: 19.34}





    var store = new ItemFileWriteStore({data: data});

    /*set up layout*/

    var layout = [[

      {'name': 'Column 1', 'field': 'col1', 'width': '100px'},

      {'name': 'Column 2', 'field': 'col2', 'width': '100px'},

      {'name': 'Column 3', 'field': 'col3', 'width': '200px'},

      {'name': 'Column 4', 'field': 'col4', 'width': '150px'}


    /*create a new grid*/

    var grid = new DataGrid({

        id: 'grid',

        store: store,

        structure: layout,

        rowSelector: '20px'});

        /*append the new grid to the div*/


        /*Call startup() to render the grid*/



       grid.on("RowClick", function(evt){

    var idx = evt.rowIndex,

        rowData = grid.getItem(idx);

    // The rowData is returned in an object

    document.getElementById("results").innerHTML =

        "You have clicked on " + rowData.col1 + ", " + rowData.col2 + ".";

}, true);        





<body class="claro">

    <div id="gridDiv"></div>

       <div id="results"></div>



Table 3 Datagrid Row event Code

코드 설명

grid.on("Rowclick", function(evt){}); 에서 Rowclick 옵션을 변경이 가능하다 변경가능 목록은 Table 4 같다. function(evt)안에 document.getelementbyid Dom.byId rowdata값을 textbox combo box안에 넣는 것도 가능하다.

Row                                                               HeaderCell                                           Cell

RowClick                                     HeaderCellClick                                  CellClick

RowContextMenu                     HeaderCellContextMenu            CellContextMenu

RowDblClick                                               HeaderCellDblClick                            CellDblClick

RowFocus                                    HeaderCellFocus                                 CellFocus

RowMouseDown                        HeaderCellMouseDown                     CellMouseDown

RowMouseOut                            HeaderCellMouseOut                         CellMouseOut

RowMouseOver                          HeaderCellMouseOver                       CellMouseOver

Table 4 Datagrid Event List

결과 화면

Figure 3 Table 4 결과 화면


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